Though Christmas is a Western religious holiday, it’s gained at least some cultural currency in China. Without its religious foundation, a purely commercial Christmas is mostly what remains.

Mark Your Calendars
Christmas Day 2025 is December 25, 2025. It takes place every year on December 25.
Here’s a simple guide for what you can expect from a Christmas celebration that’s uniquely Chinese.
The Basics
While there are only somewhere between 30 and 100 million Christians in China, among a total population of 1.4 billion, Christmas is increasingly celebrated by young people and in big cities. Observers cite everything from study abroad programs to cultural globalization to general consumerism for fueling the rise of Christmas in China.
Christmas Day Traditions
Without its religious foundation, Christmas in China is mostly about the holiday’s superficial trappings. Friends and coworkers may exchange small gifts, bright decorations fill department store windows and entertainment venues like movie theaters, bars and karaoke clubs fill with festive revelers. If nothing else, Christmas in China is a lighter holiday, free from the political and cultural overtones found during other celebrations.
When is Christmas Day?
Christmas Day takes place every year on December 25. There is no time off granted for Christmas Day.
Christmas Day dates through 2026 are below.
Year | Date |
2015 | December 25 |
2016 | December 25 |
2017 | December 25 |
2018 | December 25 |
2019 | December 25 |
2020 | December 25 |
2021 | December 25 |
2022 | December 25 |
2023 | December 25 |
2024 | December 25 |
2025 | December 25 |
2026 | December 25 |
Your turn! Do you have any other questions about celebrating Christmas in China? I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!
HT: Photo by The Atlantic.
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